On October 23rd, 2016 the results of the third international competition Russian WW Digital Contest for the radio on HF digital modes BPSK63 and RTTY which took place on 1 and 2 October were published. During the five-day period of receiving the reports to the address of Contest Committee 649 reports have been received from participants of 66 regions of Russia and 62 DXCC countries, among them - 152 RDRC club members. We are pleased to congratulate the winners with a well-deserved achievements and wish all participants of RUS-WW-DIGI 2015 success in our following competitions. As a result, a separate set-off between Russian and foreign participants, the winners were determined in Russia and the rest of the world. Together with the results of subgroups, continents, countries and Federal districts and UBN-files, we publish for each participant List of confirmed areas CFM OBLAST which can be used in the form of applications for Award "Russia", founded by Russian Amateur Radio Union (SRR).
In the third RUS-WW-DIGI 2016 - 15 cups and one prize have been drawn which was established by members of the Russian digital amateur radio club:
• It was the first digital competition for ten participants. Dmitry Janowski, UB3DMF - 196 CFM QSO won the Cup for the best of the digital contesting newcomers.
• Young amateurs competed six hours after his first QSO in the contest. Prizes of "Youth Sprint" in a subgroup of MULTI-ONE JUNIOR are won by: 1st place - the Team of Tomsk State University, RW9H - 302 CFM QSO; 2nd place - station for young technicians of Orsk, RO9T - 164 CFM QSO; 3rd place - MAU GCMS Rostov Veliky, R3MAI - 163 CFM QSO. In the individual standings in category SINGLE-OP JUNIOR the Cups are awarded to the winners: 1st place - Yegor Trusov, UB5MAK - 140 CFM QSO; 2nd place - Vitaly Kazantsev, UB7K - 77 CFM QSO; 3rd place - Eugene Syromyatnikov, UR3QTN - 75 CFM QSO. 35 young radio amateurs have taken part in commands and individual subgroups of "Youth sprint" and 5 in commands of subgroup MULTI-ONE in RUS-WW-DIGI 2016.
• Sergey Khairulin, R0QA - 278 QSO and 162778 points in class SINGLE-OP 20M-15M-10M is awarded the Cup for the best result among the participants from the Far Eastern Federal District awarded;
• Sergey Dobrovolsky, UT2GA is awarded for the best result for "multipliers" in class SINGLE-OP 160M-80M-40M - 242 countries and regions of Russia;
• Cup for the radio with the highest number of administrative territories of the Russian Federation was played the lottery between participants who have confirmed QSO with at least 50 regions of Russia. Vladimir Doronov, RW0SR has won this prize.
• The best among the regional teams on the sum of the results in the five SO subgroups have become the hams of Moscow region. Cups "Magnificent Five" will be awarded to Nicholas Botsman, R3FO; Oleg Kudashev, RD5F; Alexander Fedyunin, RJ3F; Viktor Klochko, RN3FY and Alexander Sorokin, RW3DKK.
• Pendant with logos of РЦРК-RDRC was drawn in a lottery among the participants of the Contest, which are members of the Russian digital amateur radio club. Alexander Korolev, UA0OK RDRC # 680 - 244 CFM QSO in subgroup SINGLE-OP ALL RTTY has won this prize.
Prizes photo gallery - cliques on a picture:
• IQ2LS 802 QSO points and 1,400,817, UA4S 1115 QSO points and 2,200,070, RA9I 651 QSO and 1,328,592 points in the MULTI-ONE;
• PI4CG 727 QSO points and 1,207,907, RC5Z 696 QSO and 997,893 points, UA9CLR 428 QSO and 645,656 points in SINGLE-OP ALL HIGH;
• UN7GDQ 417 QSO and 409,513 points, RU5TT 382 QSO and 202,120 points, RK8I 353 QSO and 293,777 points in SINGLE-OP 20M-15M-10M;
• UT2GA 574 QSO and 854,744 points, RQ2Q 386 QSO and 398,268 points, RZ9A 197 QSO and 245,256 points in SINGLE-OP 160M-80M-40M;
• UN7ID 326 QSO and 388,212 points, R3FO 387 QSO and 304,968 points, UA9AFS 243 QSO and 218,080 points in SINGLE-OP ALL BPSK;
• YO9HP 470 QSO and 432,280 points, UA6CE 481 QSO and 437,760 points, UC8U 494 QSO and 612,360 points in SINGLE-OP ALL RTTY;
• US8IOU/qrp 219 QSO and RX9CDR/qrp 47 QSO in SINGLE-OP QRP;
• EX8002SWL 99 CFM SWL and R3D-002-KG 97 bilateral cases.
We will send at least 600 contest Certificates of three kinds - for the winners, the prize-winners and for the rest of the participants, according to the regulations of awarding. Please note: when you view your e-mail, check not only the incoming messages but also spam folders. The prizes will be sent by postal parcels to addresses specified in the reports. Information about the sending of certificates and prizes will be published in the theme of the Club Forum rdrclub.lan23.ru
Samples of certificates and prizes photos, see page: Gallery RDRC awards.
We thank the Council of Club for their help in organizing the contest and we will be glad to see you in good health on 3 and 4 November 2016, on Activity days "Planet DIGIRADIO", as well as in all subsequent events organized by our club!
73! - Contest Committee RUS-WW-DIGI