Results of the spring round «FT4 SPRINT fast training» 2024

Обновлено: 18 Ноябрь 2024
Просмотров: 248
Results of the spring round «FT4 SPRINT fast training» 2024ruseng
On May 3, the results of the spring tour «FT4 SPRINT fast training», which took place on April 28, 2024, were published. Reports from 62 participants from 29 oblast of Russia, as well as from 6 foreign European countries were accepted. Oleg Serov took 1st place with UA1AOS 63 QSO's and 2814 points. The best results in the Asian part of Russia were achieved by Alexander Chusovitin UA9AJK 3rd place, 69 QSO's and 2689 points, among foreign participants Werner Rinke DL1RI 10th place, 50 QSO's and 2539 points. Certificates were issued to all participants and posted on the AWARDS CENTER OF RDRC website.

We invite everyone who actively worked in the spring sprint round to improve their results in the next stages of the competition. And also we shall be glad to see signal new participants of «FT4 SPRINT fast training». Among those who took part and received certificates in each of the four rounds, the results for the calendar year are summed up according to the sum of the results, and a fifth certificate is issued and one prize is drawn in a lottery. See you in the summer round of «FT4 SPRINT fast training» on July 27, 2024!

Results of the spring round «FT4 SPRINT fast training» 2024

place CALL POINTS QSO's rows cols diag suffix ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ QSO's uploaded
1 UA1AOS 2814 63 2 1 2 21 ABCD.F.HIJKL.NOPQRS.U.WXYZ 73
2 RX3DRC 2803 52 2 1 2 21 ABCD.F.HIJKL.NOPQRS.U.WXYZ 58
3 UA9AJK 2689 69 2 1 2 20 ABCD.F.HIJKL..OPQRS.U.WXYZ 70
4 R3KEE 2674 54 2 1 2 20 ABCD.F.HIJKL..OPQRS.U.WXYZ 60
4 RU5X 2674 54 2 1 2 20 ABCD.F.HIJKL..OPQRS.U.WXYZ 55
6 RX4SA 2662 42 2 1 2 20 ABCD.F.HIJKL..OPQRS.U.WXYZ 54
7 RZ9A 2542 53 2 1 2 19 ABCD.F.HI.KL..OPQRS.U.WXYZ 53
7 R2BP 2542 53 2 1 2 19 ABCD.F.HI.KL..OPQRS.U.WXYZ 55
9 RQ2Q 2540 51 2 1 2 19 ABCD.F.HIJKL..OPQRS...WXYZ 53
10 DL1RI 2539 50 2 1 2 19 ABCD.F.HI.KL..OPQRS.U.WXYZ 53
11 UB1CCL 2537 48 2 1 2 19 ABCD.F.HI.KL..OPQRS.U.WXYZ 50
11 RT2H 2537 48 2 1 2 19 ABCD.F.HI.KL..OPQRS.U.WXYZ 51
13 R2DZJ 2531 42 2 1 2 19 ABCD.F.HI.KL..OPQRS.U.WXYZ 44
13 R4SAV 2531 42 2 1 2 19 ABCD.F.HI.KL..OPQRS.U.WXYZ 43
15 R2DVU 2406 48 2 1 2 18 ABCD.F.HI.KL..OPQRS...WXYZ 49
16 R4CI 2405 47 2 1 2 18 ABCD.F.HI.KL..OPQRS...WXYZ 52
17 UA3IAP 2404 46 2 1 2 18 ABCD.F.H..KL..OPQRS.U.WXYZ 47
18 RA6HTU 2359 60 2 0 2 19 ABCD.F.HIJK...OPQRS.U.WXYZ 68
19 RU1Z 2356 57 2 0 2 19 ABCD.F.HIJK...OPQRS.U.WXYZ 60
20 RU3OZ 2355 56 1 1 2 19 ABCD.F.HIJKL...PQRS.U.WXYZ 63
place CALL POINTS QSO's rows cols diag suffix ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ QSO's uploaded
21 R1YY 2352 53 2 0 2 19 ABCD.F.HIJK...OPQRS.U.WXYZ 54
22 UA9YAD 2349 50 2 0 2 19 ABCD.F.HIJK...OPQRS.U.WXYZ 55
23 RA0WHE 2341 42 2 0 2 19 ABCD.F.HIJK...OPQRS.U.WXYZ 42
23 R1ZBR 2341 42 2 0 2 19 ABCD.F.HIJK...OPQRS.U.WXYZ 42
25 R3PMI 2335 36 2 0 2 19 ABCD.F.HI.K..NOPQRS.U.WXYZ 37
26 EW6DM 2239 61 2 0 2 18 ABCD.F.HI.K...OPQRS.U.WXYZ 64
27 OE1XA 2225 47 2 0 2 18 ABCD.F.HI.K...OPQRS.U.WXYZ 51
28 RA4CL 2223 45 2 0 2 18 ABCD.F.HIJK...OPQRS...WXYZ 52
29 RA3QH 2222 44 2 0 2 18 ABCD.F.HI.K...OPQRS.U.WXYZ 45
30 UA3WG 2221 43 2 0 2 18 ABCD.F.HI.K...OPQRS.U.WXYZ 49
31 RW0SR 2220 42 2 0 2 18 ABCD.F.HIJK...OPQRS.U..XYZ 48
32 UA3QNE 2219 41 2 0 2 18 ABCD.F.HI.K...OPQRS.U.WXYZ 44
33 UA3DNK 2109 52 2 0 2 17 ABCD.F.HI.K...OPQRS...WXYZ 55
34 UA3DLL 2100 43 2 0 2 17 ABCD.F.HI.K...OPQRS...WXYZ 47
35 R4HIA 2099 42 2 0 2 17 ABCD.F.HI.K...OPQRS...WXYZ 49
36 RK3DSW 2096 39 2 0 2 17 ABCD.F.HI.K...OPQRS...WXYZ 40
37 R4UAS 2092 35 2 0 2 17 ABCD.F.HI.K...OPQRS...WXYZ 39
38 R4RB 2082 25 1 1 2 17 ABCD.F.HI.KL...PQRS...WXYZ 26
39 R9YCV 1968 32 2 0 2 16 ABCD.F.H.JK...OPQRS....XYZ 33
40 UG0B 1925 38 1 0 2 17 A.CD.F.HI.K...OPQRS.U.WXYZ 39
place CALL POINTS QSO's rows cols diag suffix ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ QSO's uploaded
41 HA7CH 1508 50 2 1 1 18 ABCD.F.HI.KL..OPQ.S.U.WXYZ 50
42 RA3QBQ 1250 43 2 0 1 17 ABCD.F.HI.K...OPQ.S.U.WXYZ 48
43 R9SDV 1168 32 2 0 1 16 ABCD.F.HI.K...OPQ.S...WXYZ 33
44 RN4HAB 1165 29 2 0 1 16 ABCD.F.HI.K...OP.RS...WXYZ 37
44 R2APK 1165 29 2 0 1 16 ABCD.F.HI.K...OPQ...U.WXYZ 29
46 RD7P 1145 47 1 0 1 18 ABCD...HIJK...OPQRS.U.WXYZ 51
47 RV6F 1082 45 1 0 1 17 ABCD...HI.K...OPQRS.U.WXYZ 46
48 RV6K 1080 43 1 0 1 17 ABCD...HI.K...OPQRS.U.WXYZ 44
49 RC0JD 943 20 2 0 1 13 ABC..F.H..K...OP..S...WXYZ 23
50 UA3XO 875 21 1 0 1 14 ABCD.F.H..KL...P.RS....XYZ 24
51 RG0S 754 22 1 0 1 12 AB.D.F.H.JK...O.Q.S.U...Y. 24
52 RW6AVK 212 36 0 1 0 16 ABCD...HI.KL....QRS.U.WXYZ 39
53 RN6LPC 52 39 0 0 0 13 ABCD...HI.K...O.QRS....XY. 42
54 RC7KH 48 34 0 0 0 14 ABCD...HI.K.....Q.S.U.WXYZ 39
55 D1IJZ 35 23 0 0 0 12 ABCD...HI......P.RS...WXY. 25
55 YT5SMT 35 23 0 0 0 12 AB.D...HI.K...O.QR....WXY. 27
57 R6FHE 22 14 0 0 0 8 AB.D...H..........S....XYZ 14
58 RA9H 17 9 0 0 0 8 A.C....H..K......RS.....YZ 9
59 RA9UEP 11 6 0 0 0 5 A......H..K...O...S....... 7
60 PD0WVB 4 2 0 0 0 2 ...D...........P.......... 2
61 UA0JFD 2 1 0 0 0 1 ........................Y. 2
61 EU6AAX 2 1 0 0 0 1 ................Q......... 1