World Wide Prefixes Hunter AWARD

Обновлено: 18 Январь 2025
Просмотров: 2651
rusengWorld Wide Prefixes Hunter AWARD
Diploma of hunter for callsign prefixes of amateur radio stations - World Wide Prefixes Hunter AWARD was established by the RDRC cand are issued to applicants on the RDRC awards website for radio communications with amateur radio stations that have unique prefixes in call signs. For example, we show how prefixes are defined in the following call signs: 9A3SWO, R2DSY, RW6AVK, R2023NY, EA8/HB9FIH, etc. The applicant receives diploma with the possibility of repeatedly adding a number of prefixes to the stickers for each online log check on the diploma site. Basic diploma can be obtained for 100 different prefixes. Radio communications on any HF and VHF bands and any modes of modulation are counted. The diploma is issued to SWL operators. All radio communications (observations) are counted starting from the date of the applicant's first QSO.

Checking the log and obtaining a diploma is implemented on the website
To obtain diploma, you need to do and know the following:
• prepare for online verification a hardware log in ADI format with all your QSOs;
USEFUL TIPS for creating a log in ADI format:
- some logs form adi in accordance with the fields (columns) that are displayed in the hardware log;
- before creating an adi file, we recommend setting up the display of the hardware log by removing some data (for example, QTH, NAME and others) and leaving only the data necessary for the diploma application - thus, when forming an adif, the file weight will become significantly less;
• select "Prefixes Hunter" from the drop-down list, fill in all the fields of the download form without errors (please note: as you specify the first and last name, they will be displayed on the diploma), use the "REVIEW" button to find the necessary ADI file and "SEND" your journal for processing; if you misspelled your FIRST and LAST NAME and saw it on the diplomas you received, then contact the manager and ask him to correct your typos, email the manager of our diplomas awards(at)
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• after waiting for the end of processing the ADI file, you will be able to immediately receive a diploma with the result in a sticker; and in the future, with a new online check of your entire log, new numbers of the number of prefixes will be added to the sticker;
• the issued diploma can be downloaded on the page
SWL before checking the log, you must contact the diploma manager at email awards(at) or in the topic of the club forum. Discussion of the work of the club diploma service only in the forum topic


Sample of the «World Wide Prefixes Hunter AWARD»

During each calendar year, the RDRC organizes several days of activity and five contests. Detailed schedule and provisions of these events are published on the club's website

We invite all radio amateurs to take an active part in the events organized by the Russian Digital Radio Club, 73!