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Information on the club's website will not be updated from August 25 to September 12.
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«Good DIGITAL morning» every Saturday

Обновлено: 25 Август 2024
Просмотров: 21097
ruseng«Good DIGITAL morning» every Saturday
RDRC invites fans of digital radio every Saturday in a Year to meet and spend with us «Good DIGITAL morning». We offer this activity from 05:00 to 08:00 UTC. We recommend using HF bands from 40 to 10 meters, depending on the propagation on them. «Good morning DIGITAL» is not a Contest, you do not need to send reports. Along with other days of activity organized by the RDRC during the year, this event will contribute to meeting the conditions of the RDRC diplomas.

The schedule will specify those digital modes, which we recommend to work on the coming Saturday. It is advisable to agree on QSOs in any other digital modes not listed in the schedule. We recommend to work short QSOs with the following minimum information exchange: RSQ, name, locator. For live messages, we suggest using the chat on the RDRC forum rdrclub.lan23.ru

Preliminary activity plan on Saturdays in August and September 2024:
TIME: 05:00-08:00 UTC
BANDS: 40-30-20-17-15-12-10М
chat for operational messages on the main page of the club forum rdrclub.lan23.ru
RDRC DIGI Spots: udp.rdrclub.ru
24-25 August - JT9 activity days «Make haste slowly»
31 August - «Bukvitsa» - online game on the air - FT4, FT8 - start at any time after 03:00 UTC, finish at the end of the game
7 September - ROS
14 September - THOR - Thor 11
21 September - CONTESTI - Contestia 8/250
28 September - JT65

Nothing can be better than a Saturday morning, held in a good campaign. See you on the air, 73!