News about the results of Russian WW PSK Contest 2016

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Final results Russian WW PSK Contest 2016 ruseng
March, 20 the results of Russian WW PSK Contest 2016 were summed up and published - international competitions on radio on HF in three types of modulation BPSK31,63,125 which took place on February, 20-21. During the five days period of receiving the reports by the Contest Committee of RUS-WW-PSK 831 reports have been received from members of 68 regions of Russia and 61 countries of DXCC, among them - 166 RDRC club members. We congratulate the winners and prize-winners of the well-deserved achievements and wish all the participants the following success in our next competitions. 18 prizes founded by RDRC and  were raffled. In result of a separate set-off between Russian and foreign participants, the winners in Asiatic and European Russia and the rest of the world were determined. Together with the results of subgroups, continents, countries and Federal districts and UBN-files, we publish for each participant a List of confirmed areas CFM OBLAST which can be used in the form of applications for Award "Russia".

Traditionally, we award prizes the youth teams. Two special prizes have been raffled between all young radio amateurs. The personal prize we are pleased to handle to RK3SWS Anastasiya Kleimenova, and the second award to RQ3Q. 28 young radiosportsmen who composed the teams of R3MAI, RC3EPC, RK0WWN, RK3DXW, RK3DZF, RK3G, RK3PWR, RK3SWS, RQ3Q, RV6AWL, RW9H, RY4A and SP3KRE participated in the contest. Personal certificates will receive all of them.

The prize is rewarded to the team of Oryl RC3EPC for winning the MOAB European Russia with a great result in 729 QSOs and 759.777 points. The 1st place in MOAB Asiatic Russia has won RW9H. The best team in MOAB-World has become SP1KYB.

The prize was played between the participants who worked with 50 or more regions of Russia during the contest. Congratulations to Nickolay Mikhailov RZ3LA - the owner of this award, who showed the 31st result in SOAB European Russia and had confirmed QSOs with 52 regions of Russia.

We are delighted to congratulate who was awarded the prize for the 1st place: in SOAB Asiatic Russia - RD0A Arkady Ivankin - 850 QSO and 1.203.993 points; in SOAB European Russia - UA6CE Vladimir Bashtinsky - 995 QSO and 1.119.258 points; in SOAB-World - SP4TXI Marek Otoliсski - 730 QSO and 926.928 points. The additional prize in SOAB has been raffled between the participants who have shown with 2 on 14 result. The happy owner of this memorable award became UA0UK Vasily Berezin who has borrowed 10th place in Asiatic Russia.

The prizes for the best QSO-result among the participants of Contest, who are the SOSB subgroups, has won: 147 QSO in SO160 - UA3ON Anatoly Abramov; 358 QSO in SO80 - UT3N Dmitry Starinets; 531 QSO in SO40 - UT2GA Serge Dobrovolsky; 404 QSO in SO20 - UA9AFS Yuri Volobuev; 290 QSO in SO15 - R9SN Serge Nechunaev.

The prize were drawn for the best result among the SWLs in SOSWL, which will be awarded a score of 235 two-way observation - Gennady Borisov, R1A-12.

The Primorye amateur Radioclub has founded awards for participants from Far East Federal District. In personal superiority Far East F.D. 9 participants have been presented. We congratulate winners and prize-winners who will be awarded: a plaquette, a medal and the diploma for 1st place - R4AK/0 Konstantin Starostin; medals and diplomas for 2nd and 3rd places - R0QA Sergey Khayrulin and RD0CD Victor Boyko.

Photos of prizes of 14-th Russian WW PSK Contest (cliques on a picture for its increase):

Organizers of RUS-WW-PSK even if are declared in subgroups, never take part in draw of prizes. We have decided to break this tradition and to award club pendants for work on the organization, carrying out and sponsoring, and also on the occasion of second anniversary of RDRC, collective of adherents: R3BB, R7JA, RA4UDC, RK3DSW, RW3QM and RW6AVK.

The participants from 68 administrative regions of Russia have competed in RUS-WW-PSK 2016. The results of all Russian participants in their distribution by regions can be found in RUS-OBL summary table. The greatest number of contestmen is presented the following regions of Russia: Moscow region R3D - 26 callsigns; Krasnodar region R6A - 14; Voronezh region R3Q - 13.

On air some infringers on quality of a signal with Q <7 have been noticed. One is shown red (DQ and translation in CheckLog) and some yellow cards for which from final result at participants it is removed on 30 % of glasses. At removal of the decision about DQ (a red card) were considered that screenshots of signals are fixed from different QTH. As a whole competitions have passed at a high sports level and with record for RUS-WW-PSK quantity of participants.

We will send a large number of contest Certificates of three kinds: for the winners, for the prize-winners and for the rest of the participants, according to the Regulations on awarding. Please note when viewing your mail - check not only incoming messages but also spam folders. Cups and prizes will be sent during December-January in postal parcels to the addresses indicated in the reports. See Info about the sending of certificates and prizes published in the theme of Club Forum

Samples of certificates RUS-WW-PSK 2016 (cliques on a picture for its increase):

We thank the Club's Activ for active assistance and will be glad to see you in good health in all following Contests organized by our club!

73! - Contest Committee of RUS-WW-PSK