News about the results of Russian WW MultiMode Contest 2018

Обновлено: 05 Ноябрь 2019
Просмотров: 2242
ruseng News about the results of Russian WW MultiMode Contest 2018
At May, 1 the results of Russian WW MultiMode Contest 2018 were summed up and published - international competitions on radio on HF in four types of modulation BPSK63, CW, RTTY and SSB, which took place on Marth 31 and April, 1. During the five days period of receiving the reports by the Contest Committee of RUS-WW-MM 672 reports have been received from members of 69 regions of Russia and 58 countries of DXCC. 28 young radio amateurs from Serbia, Croatia, Ukraine and Russia have taken part in contest. We congratulate the winners and prize-winners of the well-deserved achievements and wish all the participants the following success in our next competitions. In result of a separate set-off between Russian and foreign participants, the winners in Asiatic and European Russia and the rest of the world were determined. 

Best results at CFM QSO and CFM MULT in subgroups:
• MOAB-MIXED - Volzhsk team UA4S 1053 QSOs and 498 multipliers;
• SOAB-MIXED - Milos Stankovic S58K 1135 QSOs and 510 multipliers;
• SOHF-MIXED - Nobuo Matsuoka JA6GCE 481 QSOs and 210 multipliers;
• SOLF-MIXED - Yuri Valuisky UA5F 464 QSOs and 281 multipliers;
• SOAB-BPSK - Sergey Kozlov RA3GZ 496 QSOs and 194 multipliers;
• SOAB-CW- Sergey Karabut R7AW 711 QSOs and 289 multipliers;
• SOAB-RTTY - Alexander Sitak UC8U 456 QSOs and 182 multipliers;
• SOAB-SSB - Andy Glushko RZ3Z 56 QSOs and 24 multipliers.

Sample certificates of RUS-WW-MM: Awards and certificates gallery of RDRC.

We will send a large number of contest Certificates of three kinds: for the winners, for the prize-winners and for the rest of the participants, according to the Regulations on awarding. Please note when viewing your mail - check not only incoming messages but also spam folders. See Info about the sending of certificates published in the theme of Club Forum

We thank the Club's Activ for active assistance and will be glad to see you in good health in all following Contests organized by our club!

73! - Contest Committee of Russian Digital Radio Club