«Youth marathon» in RUS-WW-MM 2017

Обновлено: 15 Сентябрь 2017
Просмотров: 2551
rusengМолодёжный марафон в RUS-WW-MM 2017
We invite all young radio amateurs at the age under 20 - 1997 year of birthday and younger - to take part in «Youth marathon» on 20 and 40 meters band, which will take place in the frame of Russian WW MultiMode Contest on 30th September and 1st October, 2017. It is allowed to take part in RUS-WW-MM on other bands, but only contacts of the 20&40 meters band will go into account. But all the contacts must be shown in the log. There are two subgroups of contesters: SINGLE-OP ALL MIXED JUNIOR - single-operator, 20&40m bands, 2-4 modes, MULTI-ONE MIXED JUNIOR - teams from two till ten operators, single transmitter, 20&40m bands, 2-4 modes. Your results we shall publish in the separate table of «Youth marathon» simultaneously with the grand total of RUS-WW-MM 2017. The names and surnames of all young contesters showing their year of birthday should be shown in the account. Logs must be sent to our e-mail, having shown in the line SOAPBOX and in the text of the letter about your participation in «Youth marathon». 6 special prizes are provided for the 1st places in World (under the condition that it will be announced at least 3 teams in MO and 3 participants in SO), European Russia, Asiatic Russia in MO and SO subgroups as well. We invite chiefs of club stations and holders of individual callsigns to prepare very well for our contest and to show good results. All participants of «Youth marathon» will get personal certificates.