News about the results of Russian WW MultiMode Contest 2019

Обновлено: 13 Ноябрь 2023
Просмотров: 1377
ruseng News about the results of Russian WW MultiMode Contest 2019
At December, 17 the results of Russian WW MultiMode Contest 2019 were summed up and published - international competitions on radio on HF in four types of modulation BPSK63, CW, RTTY and SSB, which took place on November 30 and December, 1. During the five days period of receiving the reports by the Contest Committee of RUS-WW-MM 1009 reports have been received from members of 70 regions of Russia and 66 countries of DXCC. 42 young radio amateurs from Croatia, Ukraine and Russia have taken part in contest. We congratulate the winners and prize-winners of the well-deserved achievements and wish all the participants the following success in our next competitions. In result of a separate set-off between Russian and foreign participants, the winners in Asiatic and European Russia and the rest of the world were determined. 

Best results at CFM QSO and CFM MULT in subgroups:
• MOAB-MIXED - Radioklub Ozalj team 9A2U 1206 QSO - 651 mult, Tomsk team R8IZ 1084 QSO - 528 mult;
• SOAB-MIXED - Alexandru Panoiu YO9HP 841 QSO - 470 mult, Vladimir Scherbakov RA3Y 800 QSO - 478 mult;
• SOHF-MIXED - Yuri Melnikov UN8PT 289 QSO - 160 mult, Victor Dmitrienko UC0A 378 QSO - 192 mult;
• SOLF-MIXED - Pavlo Kyrychenko EN5V 769 QSO - 401 mult, Yuri Valuisky UA5F 602 QSO - 351 mult;
• SOAB-BPSK - Nikolay Yakovenko UT5EPP 397 QSO - 187 mult, Sergey Kozlov RA3GZ 455 QSO - 198 mult;
• SOAB-CW- Arvis Mikals YL7X 998 QSO - 384 mult, Vladimir Bessonov RL4F 1057 QSO - 397 mult;
• SOAB-RTTY - Leif Nielsen OZ11A 424 QSO - 172 mult, Victor Lokker RA9AU 410 QSO - 185 mult;
• SOAB-SSB - operator of Radio Club YP0C 91 QSO - 52 mult, Andy Glushko RZ3Z 32 QSO - 21 mult.

From 1109 reports it is received 378 of 70 oblasts of Russia. By the greatest quantity are presented: the Moscow region - 29, Krasnodar territory - 20, the city of Moscow - 14, the Rostov region - 13, the Tula region - 12 callsign.

Certificates for all young participants from teams you can load them on a Yandex-disk.

Sample certificates of RUS-WW-MM: Awards and certificates gallery of RDRC.
We thank the Club's Activ for active assistance and will be glad to see you in good health in all following Contests organized by our club!
73! - Contest Committee of Russian Digital Radio Club