Are you already familiar with digital modes and are there the first QSOs in the digi modes available in your log? Then we invite you to experience the dynamics of the digital contests and conduct during 24 hours maybe hundreds of QSOs in RTTY and BPSK63 modes. We have established a prize in RUS-WW-DIGI 2016 especially for the best beginners of digital contesting. Probably, you will become its owner and this award will be your first trophy in amateur radio communications. We shall consider only quantity of the confirmed QSO at definition of the winner among beginners. Thus, the prize will be received by those of you who will conduct the greatest quantity of QSO with the least amount of mistakes. It is necessary to inform that it is your first digital contest in a line SOAPBOX of report or in body of the letter at sending the report on our Email Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра..Take the first step to the world of digital competitions! We are sure that you like it. We wish success and 73!