On November 2, the results of the Russian WW Digital 2024 - the eleventh HF radio contest in digi modes of modulation BPSK63 and RTTY, which took place on October 5-6, were published. Reports were received from 352 participants from 62 regions of Russia and 40 foreign countries from five continents of the world. As a result of the separate competition, the winners were determined in the Asian, European parts of Russia and the rest of the world.
The absolutely best results among all participants in the Asiatic Russia were achieved by Yuri Kurinyi RG9A 539 QSO and 825.410 points, in the European Russia Evgeny Bloshchitsyn R6DM 700 QSO and 990.822 points, among foreign contestants Laszlo Nagy HG5D 570 QSO and 778.433 points. Congratulations to the winners on their well-deserved achievements and wish everyone success in our next competitions.
Certificates are issued on the RDRC awards website to the all contest participants. Personal certificates for young radio amateurs who performed as part of the teams are available on Yandex.disk. Let us know your impressions about the contest in the topic of the club forum. Judging and publication of the results are implemented on the website UA9QCQ.COM: Results of Russian WW Digital 2024. The tables are presented in a new format and UBN is available only for registered users and only for their own call signs. Read more about the message from Oleg Vdovin UA9QCQ on the forum QRZ.RU.
We thank the participants of the contest and will be glad to see you in good health in all the events organized by our club!