11-12 June - Digital Activity Days «Russian DOMINO» 2024

Просмотров: 22494
rusengDigital Activity Days RUSSIAN DOMINO
On June, 12th, annually the Russian Digital Radioamateur Club invites to celebrate our national holiday the Day of Russia to play with colleagues in «Russian DOMINO». We announce the Days of Activity «Russian DOMINO» for all amateurs of digital modes from 15:00 UTC on June, 11th till 20:59 UTC on June, 12th 2024. You can use any DOMINO, but we recommend in 2024 - DominoEX4 or DominoEX11 - on all 9 HF bands in DOMINO mode. Specifically, we recommend everybody to work in the following frequencies: 1.840-1.843; 3.582-3.600; 7.042-7.050; 10.141-10.145; 14.071-14.073 and 14.105-14.110; 18.104-18.106; 21.071-21.074 and 21.105-21.110; 24.922-24.926; 28.070-28.074. Our Days of Activity is open to SWL. Read more rules about our game:

Dupe QSOs are counted on different bands. We recommend to work short QSOs with the following minimum information exchange: RSQ, name, locator.

We sum up the results in a few subgroups in which participants do not need to be declared, as the organizers will form themselves a subgroup on the basis of data from the logbooks.

Подгруппа Subgroup "DOUBLE 6":
6 х 6 = 36 QSO - the subgroup of participants who worked at least 6 QSO in DOMINO on each of any 6 (7, 8 or 9) bands.
Подгруппа Subgroup "DOUBLE 5":
5 x 5 = 25 QSO - the subgroup of participants who worked at least 5 QSO in DOMINO on each of any 5 bands.
Подгруппа Subgroup "DOUBLE 4":
4 x 4 = 16 QSO - the subgroup of participants who worked at least 4 QSO in DOMINO on each of any 4 bands.
Подгруппа Subgroup "DOUBLE 3":
3 x 3 = 9 QSO - the subgroup of participants who worked at least 3 QSO in DOMINO on each of any 3 bands.
Подгруппа Subgroup "DOUBLE 2":
2 x 2 = 4 QSO - the subgroup of participants who worked at least 2 QSO in DOMINO on each of any 2 bands.
Подгруппа Subgroup "DOUBLE 1":
1 x 1 = 1 QSO - the subgroup of participants who worked at least 1 QSO in DOMINO on one band.
Подгруппа Subgroup "DOUBLE 0":
0 x 0 = 0 QSO - a subgroup for SWL.

The prize - a real Russian dominoesThus, actually game in "Russian DOMINO" will be held in six subgroups, and the seventh subgroup for SWL.

For working in DominoEX4 and DominoEX11 mode it is recommended to use the program FLDIGI or MULTIPSK which can be loaded on the club site in section "Archive of programs", or use Ham Radio Deluxe.

We ask the participants of the «Russian DOMINO» activity who will work at FLDIGI to set up sending spots to our server.
Recommendations for configuring programs to send data to the RDRC server udp.rdrclub.ru/help
The spots you sent can be seen here: udp.rdrclub.ru
Program settings and spots are also available from awards.rdrclub.ru in the "Services" menu.

It is necessary to send adif-file (.adi) from logbook till 23:59 UTC on June, 17th for summarizing the results by email to
(at)  =  @

The prize - a real Russian dominoes - will be raffled between participants who have taken the 1st, 2nd, 3rd a places in each subgroup. We award certificates to all participants who have submitted reports. They will be published on the RDRC Awards website.

Sample certificate and prizes read more: Prizes Gallery.

So, who did not take long ago in hands... a dominoe? Join our campaign!

Results "Russian DOMINO 2024"
Results "Russian DOMINO 2023"
Results "Russian DOMINO 2022"
Results "Russian DOMINO 2021"
Results "Russian DOMINO 2020"
Results "Russian DOMINO 2019"
Results "Russian DOMINO 2018"
Results "Russian DOMINO 2017"
Results "Russian DOMINO 2016"
Results "Russian DOMINO 2015"