«Master of Amateur Digital Radio Communication» award

Обновлено: 18 Январь 2025
Просмотров: 11555
rusengДиплом «Мастер любительской цифровой радиосвязи»
Starting from January 1, 2021, the diploma «Master of amateur digital radio communications» is issued to all licensed radio amateurs once and according to the new rules for conducting radio communications in various digital modes with active participation in the days of activity and contests of the RDRC. Applicants are required to participate in all or most of the RDRC events during any time period of no more than 12 months and must receive certificates for participation - at least 5 (out of six) days of activity and at least 3 (out of five) contests of thr RDRC. Moreover, the total should be held for applicants from the European part of Russia and Ural Federal district of at least 1000 QSO, Siberian FD - 700 QSO, far Eastern FD - 500 QSO, for foreign radio amateurs from Europe - at least 1000 QSOs, Asia - 500 QSOs, for applicants from other continents - at least 300 QSOs. Awarded diplomas are posted on the AWARDS CENTER OF RDRC website. QSOs for the diploma are counted starting from January 1, 2021.

On the MASTER diploma only those results for which certificates were issued in the following club events are taken into account::
• at least five of the six of ACTIVITY DAYS
«01-10» in January and May, counts as a single event;
«Made in Russia» in March;
«Russian DOMINO» in June;
«Make haste slowly» in August;
«Planet DIGIRADIO» in November;
«New year's SSTV marathon» in December.
• at least three out of five CONTESTS
Russian WW PSK Contest in February;
FT4 SPRINT - participation in one or more rounds (out of four), which are held in January, April, July and October, is counted;
Russian WW MultiMode Contest - only participants in the SOAB-BPSK and SOAB-RTTY subgroups are counted as CFM QSOs, the contest is held every year in different periods of spring, summer or autumn;
RTTY Cup «MSK Time» in March;
Russian WW Digital Contest in October.

The application for the diploma must be made in any text format and sent to the e-mail address of the rdrclub(at)rdrclub.ru (replace the (at) characters with the @character). The application must include: Callsign, name and surname, your activity period for the diploma (example: June 1, 2021 may 31, 2022), to list events in which you participated in the calendar order of their carrying out and your results in them, the number of confirmed QSOs on the basis of published results on the website RDRC, and specify the total number of QSOs (the QSOs total for the diploma).

Diplomas are not numbered, but they will have a date of completion written on them, which corresponds to the date of the last contest or days of activity for this diploma.

Sample diploma «Master of amateur digital radio communication»: