Jubilee diploma «130 years of RADIO»

rusengJubilee diploma «130 years of RADIO»
The diploma «130 years of RADIO» was established by the RDRC club in honor of the 130th anniversary of the invention of radio by the Russian scientist Alexander Stepanovich Popov and in gratitude to all those who laid the foundations for the development of radio engineering and radio communications. The diploma is issued to applicants on the website of the RDRC awards for radio communications (observations) of any modes on any HF and VHF bands with amateur radio stations in Russia and abroad during the period from May 1 to May 31, 2025. To obtain a diploma, it is necessary to QSOs (observations) with 130 unique call signs of Russia and 130 unique call signs of foreign countries of the world. A QSO with each call sign is counted only once.

HISTORICAL BACKGROUND: A. S. Popov did not take out a patent, but according to Russian law, he can be considered an inventor, since he revealed the essence of his device to a wide range of people with sufficient detail to reproduce on May 7 (April 25, old style), 1895. According to the provisions of inventive law, the previously known elements included in Popov's device cannot be interpreted as prototypes, since a new effect in his invention is created by the combined use of these elements. It was the combination of elements that made it possible to create the first operational radio device. Devices similar in principle to A. S. Popov's devices were created in England by the Italian engineer G. Marconi, who received a patent for them in July 1897. But Mr. Marconi's patent was issued in accordance with English law, which did not require the establishment of global novelty. In other countries - France, Germany, Russia - Marconi was denied patenting with reference to the priority of A. S. Popov.

Checking the log and obtaining a diploma is implemented on the website awards.rdrclub.ru/request
To get a diploma, you need to do the following::
• prepare for online verification a hardware log in ADI format with all your QSOs for the period from May 1 to May 31, 2025;
•  select «130 years of RADIO» from the drop-down list, fill in all the fields of the download form without errors (please note: as you specify the first and last name, they will be displayed on the diploma), use the "REVIEW" button to find the necessary ADI file and "SEND" your journal for processing;
•  after waiting for the ADI file to be processed, you will be able to find out the result of completing the diploma and receive it;
•  the issued diplomas can be downloaded on the page awards.rdrclub.ru/certificate;
•  SWLs who have not previously received our other diplomas should definitely contact the manager before checking the log.

If you misspelled your FIRST and LAST NAME and saw it on the diplomas you received, then contact the manager and ask him to correct your typos. Email the manager of our diplomas awards(at)rdrclub.ru - (at) = @

Discussion of the work of the club diploma service only in the forum topic rdrclub.lan23.ru


Samples of the Jubilee diploma «130 years of RADIO»

During each calendar year, the RDRC organizes several days of activity and contests. Detailed schedule and provisions of these events are published on the club's website rdrclub.ru.

We invite all radio amateurs to take an active part in the events organized by the Russian Digital Radio Club, 73!